1. AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
It is a programming paradigm to
increase modularity by separating the cross cutting concerns (Logging, Transaction
Management, Security, Validation, Exception Handling etc.) from the main
business logic.
Without AOP, the cross cutting
concerns will be scattered throughout the application code (across numerous
methods) and will result in:
1. Hard to maintain the code.
2. Boiler-plate code
3. Affects reusability
With AOP:
1. Modularize the cross
cutting concerns into aspects
Easy to maintain
Reduce time to make changes
Reduce effort to make changes
b. No boiler plate code
d. Provides loose coupling
Aspects can be applied declaratively to the classes.
It helps to apply aspects without core application’s
2. The developer can fully
concentrate on the business logic (core logic) and leave the cross cutting
concerns to AOP.
Using AOP, Cross-Cutting concerns like Logging, Transaction
Management, Security, Validation and Exception Handling can be modularized into
separate aspects with advice methods and the business methods/logic are advised
with these aspects wherever required.
2. AOP Concepts
Aspect: It’s a module which
encapsulates the advice and the point-cuts. We can define separate aspect for
each cross cutting concerns. For example, define an aspect for Transaction
Management; define another aspect for Logging etc.
Advice: It’s the logic/behavior
we need to add/include at the join-points in your application business logic
classes. For example the actions we need to perform on logging be defined as an
advice in the Aspect for logging. This behavior can be added at the join-points
in your application code. We can have multiple advices inside an aspect,
depending on the requirement.
Point-cut: It is the expression,
which defines which advice needs to be added at what points in your
application. For example, if,on call of all the service methods, they need to
log a statement to a log file, then we should define a point-cut on the advice
method of your Logging Aspect, saying that all methods in the service classes
should be advised with this advice for logging to the log file.
Join-Point:It is the point in your
application code where you want to add the cross cutting behavior (the advice
method of the Aspect).
It is the object that is being advised by the aspect. This is the object which
contains the join point, on which the behavior (advice method of the aspect)
needs to be plugin/added.
3. Different types of Advices
3.1 Before Advice:
It’s the simplest advice type. This
advice is executed before the execution of the advised methods in the
application. That is this advice gets executed before the execution of the join
point in the application. You can define the advice using the annotation
1. You cannot control the
execution flow using this advice; for example, if we want to terminate the
execution on a given condition (if a flag is false) without executing the
joint-point method/advised method, it’s not possible with @Before advice.
2. You cannot modify the
advised method arguments.
3. You cannot modify/access
the returned value from the advised method, since this advice is getting
executed before the execution of the advised method.
1. This Advice can be used
for logging purpose. To keep track of the method invocation.
3.2 After Advice
This advice gets executed once the
execution of the advised method is completed.
There are three types of After Advice
based on the outcome of the execution of the join point in the application.
1. After Returning
This advice gets executed once the join point execution
returns successfully.
2. After (finally)
This advice gets executed regardless of the outcome of the
joint point execution. That means this advice will get invoked on exception as
well as normal execution return.
3. After Throwing
This advice gets invoked when the advised method execution is
terminated with an exception.
1. You cannot control the
execution flow using this advice; for example, if we want to terminate the
execution on a given condition (if a flag is false) without executing the
joint-point method/advised method, it’s not possible with @Before advice.
2. You cannot modify the
advised method arguments.
3. You cannot modify/access
the returned value from the advised method, since this advice is getting
executed before the execution of the advised method.
1. Exception handling can be
done using the After Throwing advice
You can perform the notification/logging on the exception
details using the advice.
2. Use After Returning Advice
for logging the return value from the advised methods.
Note: Always good to use
specific Advices (After Returning/ After Throwing) instead of the generic After
Advice (After (finally)).
3.3 Around Advice
This advice will get invoked around
the execution of the join-point in the application. That means before and after
the execution of the join point.
1. This advice allows you to
modify the join point method/advised method arguments and passes the modified
argument to the join point method.
2. It also allows you to modify
the return value from the join point and pass it to the caller.
3. It can control the
execution flow. That means you can terminate the execution without executing
the join point
4. It can be used to execute
the join point any number of times. So can be used for retry mechanisms, for
any idempotent operations.
1. Handle XSS vulnerability
check on the input parameters to your controller methods.
2. Log the time taken to
execute a given join point method.
3. Make changes to the state
of the object (argument) to the join point method.
4. Add more details to the
join point returned object
4. AOP Implementation Frameworks
Spring AOP
It is
implemented in pure Java and is a proxy based AOP. So it doesn’t require a
special compilation process or a special class loader.
It’s a
byte-code weaving based AOP. It requires special compilation process and a
special class loader.
Jboss AOP
It is a pure java byte
code weaving based AOP. It requires a special compiler called Annotation
Compiler provided by JBoss AOP to process.
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